Wednesday, July 22, 2009

intro tutorial video

I've created a brief video tutorial that shows you the very first steps in getting started with S4SL:

You can always use my web tutorial as well.

I created the video tutorial for a workshop I did with the wonderful International Society for Technology in Education. Here's a screen shot of a group working with S4SL:


Anonymous said...

your tutorials are overly simplified. i cant use the script for the life of me. i can understand the concepts but not the wording. so this program is perferct. and realy realy easy to use. so thers not much need to show people how to make a ball jump.

maybe show people how to make a realy simple circet game. the kind of thing you learn in jr high science. but in a fun way

ericrosenbaum said...

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you found S4SL easy to use. I thought it would useful to have a super-simple introduction just to get people through their very first time using it.

I agree that it would be cool to have more tutorials, showing how to create more elaborate projects. It's another thing to add to my very long list of things to do! I'd love to see tutorials made by others, of course.

Marshalpoi said...

Well, I thought about it and created something for a tutorial. A boxes that will race on a strait track under its on will, and the winner completely random,while announcing the winner. a design I'm currently using in a slightly more complex way to build a circular track where you can choose between 3 different vehicles types of your color. all the scripts where made with and from scratch.

the idea is to show a way of looking at scripting the way a some of us do. understanding the concepts and process of what we want to happen but being unable to grasp the way code is written out.

id like to have this all out in a video tutorial and show the more complex project at the end to show how easy it can be. unfortunately I'm not good at filming and editing video...

so I hope to have something to show you.

ericrosenbaum said...

marshalpoi- your project sounds really cool. I'm looking forward to seeing your video. don't worry about editing, it doesn't need to be anything fancy. you can just show what you made and how you made it.

Shan Warrior said...

I have a question about the variables? How do I add more scripts to the blocks or is it just automatic from the LSL language?

ericrosenbaum said...

shan warrior: I'm not sure I understand your question, sorry. Can you say more about what you want to do?

Anonymous said...

cool blog even my blog has quite alot info you blog still helps, check out for more info.

Alejandro Donoso said...

I like this app, but i like to add more options, haw can exntense de controls and movement options???

I hope you can help ME

Anonymous said...

Great tool I am still learning how to get started with it ... I was wondering one thing...

Would you add a widget thing to say a message on a channel we can specify.

Chris said...

Hi, I just found your site and your S4SL program, just getting ready to try it out. I'm curious though, what happened to this site? Looks like there hasn't been any activity for nearly a year. Now that I've just found you, I hope you stay open, lol. Chriss

Anonymous said...

My 8-year-old twins have been reusing and building objects and scripts on my private OpenSim grid for a few months now. Today, I surprised them with Scratch4SL - I showed them your introduction video with the fun music, set up both of their laptops with S4SL, and showed them this 3 minute getting started tutorial. With the basics introduced, I stepped away and let them run loose with it. Both were able to build scripts with S4SL and get them working in their objects on their first try, without my intervention. Within minutes, there were spinning objects moving and wiggling all over the place! Thank you very much for such an excellent learning and development tool! When my son wanted to recreate the stairs in your pet bug project, I found your lineSegment notes, and had to make 4 patches to your script for it to compile and run lineSegment on OpenSim. The stairs were a definite hit, and the pet bug is a great centerpiece for getting the kids to interact with their scripted objects. You can reach me as Allen Kerensky in SecondLife or OSgrid if you would like to discuss more about kids on OpenSim and kids using S4SL for learning programming fundamentals.

Kitsune Shan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

The Flag Button is missing in my download of Scratch. Any ideas?

Unknown said...

The Flag Button is missing in my download of Scratch. Any ideas?

Ali Battal said...

when i want to use lineSegment, unfourtunately, i can not it make it work.
it gives error as "Unable to create requested object. Object is missing from database". Do you have any suggestion to me?

Unknown said...

did you give up on this? Everything seems pretty old. I want to try this.